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Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School : Entrance Ceremony

2015.04.07 Tue
Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School :  Entrance Ceremony

On Tuesday the 7th of April, Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School marked its sixtieth anniversary with a grand entrance ceremony for new students. Although the weather was unfortunately cold and rainy, the brass band put on a hot performance for the newcomers, teachers and parents. Principal Ono welcomed the new students with a speech encouraging them to chase their dreams, but to make them useful ones. The cherry blossoms may have scattered, but the journey is just getting started for three hundred boys. As a surprise, one student who had graduated the school just last month came back for the day especially to assist the brass band.

Congratulations to all the new students on joining Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School! I hope that over the next six years, you will have such a good time at ‘Toshikou’ that you too will want to come back!

Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School

Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School

Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School

Tokyo City University Junior and Senior High School

Tokyo City University Group
東京都市大学付属中学校・高等学校 | 19:14 | comments (0) | trackbacks (0) | ↑上へ
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